Damson Aquatic Garden

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The Damson Aquatic Garden is a formal circular garden located at the southern terminus of the Perennial Garden. The main focus is the large round pool bisected by the Aquatic Pavilion. The pavilion consists of an impressive central structure, traditional in style, connected to shore by pathways covered by pergolas.

This pavilion serves as a choice viewing spot for the Water Lily Pool, a 110-foot wide semi-circle filled with Victoria lilies (a genus of water lily with very large leaves that float on the water), both tropical and hardy water lilies, water lotus, and other tropical water plants such as cannas and papyrus situated in a tranquil setting.

Along the north edge of the pool, steps lead from the pavilion down to the water’s edge. Just to the north of the pavilion, there are two pools, bisected by a pathway, which contain clusters of jets of water splashing gently to impart a sense of cooling. The water sparkles and dances, providing a contrast to the serenity and quietness of the lily pool. This garden is a true magical escape.

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